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White Paper and Website Content: Firearms Training Company

This week I finished up a white paper for firearms training company Training Specifics. The business is based in Hubbard, Ohio, and is run by two Hubbard police officers. In addition to the bread-and-butter handgun training they offer on a regular basis throughout the area, the company is now offering training programs to schools (and businesses and churches) to educate them on how to react to active shooter scenarios.

This can be a difficult subject to broach with school administrators because the concept of school shootings is so alarming. I suggested that Training Specifics focus on some very specific marketing collateral to break the ice and help school districts explore this type of training. The goal is to stoke their motivation to improve upon their current (and outdated) protocols, and to use Training Specifics to lead the way.

I researched, wrote, and produced a whitepaper with an overarching theme of community involvement in active shooter response training, with a specific solution—call Training Specifics for more information—summarized at the end of the document.

I paired with this document a cover letter that thoroughly explains the problem and offers the white paper as a means to developing a solution.

Training Specifics will use the white paper to prospect for new business.



Research, layout, design, content.

Website content

Complete redesign of website content, including images and copy.

Download the Whitepaper here:

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